A report blaming the CIA for hacking Chinese companies and government agencies for more than 11 years has been published by China’s largest cyber-security vendor.
Written by Qihoo 360, the report suggests the intelligence agency hacked targets in China’s aviation industry, technical research institutions, petroleum industry, Internet firms, and government agencies.
Qihoo researchers said that CIA hacking operations occurred between September 2008 and June 2019, and a majority of the targets were situated in Beijing, Guangdong, and Zhejiang,
Qihoo says that a big part of the CIA’s hacking energies fixated on the civil aviation industry, both in China and in other countries.
Qihoo claims the drive of this movement was long-term and targeted intelligence-gathering to trace real-time international flight status, passenger information, trade cargo, and other relevant information.
Both malware strains emerged in early 2017 when Wikileaks published the Vault 7 dump, a sheaf of documentation files specifying the CIA’s arsenal of cyber-weapons.
The Chinese investigators also claim they established Fluxwire versions organized in the wild long before the Vault 7 leaks became public, with discovery times corresponding the now-public Fluxwire changelog.