Avast experts have divulged that the notorious Ursnif Trojan was used in attacks against at least 100 banks in Italy.
Operators behind these attacks have pilfered financial data and credential from targeted financial institutions.
“Among the countries Ursnif has significantly impacted is Italy, a fact that we found reflected in the information our researchers obtained.” reads the analysis published by Avast. “Specifically we found usernames, passwords, credit card, banking and payment information that appears to have been stolen from Ursnif victims by the malware operators. We saw evidence of over 100 Italian banks targeted in the information we obtained. We also saw over 1,700 stolen credentials for a single payment processor.”
Data obtained by Avast reveals that at least 100 Italian banks have been hit with the Ursnif Trojan; in one case, crooks stolen over 1,700 sets of credentials from an unidentified payment processor.
One of the most prevalent common threats today, Ursnif is delivered through malspam drives. It emerged on the threat scene about 13 years ago and gained its popularity since 2014 when its source code was leaked online, giving several hackers the opportunity to develop their own version.