Exploits for the Windows Zerologon flaw released

Both security scientists and U.S. government establishments are exhorting admins to deal with Microsoft’s serious privilege escalation vulnerability. Proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code, released for a Windows vulnerability, could let hackers to penetrate enterprises by gaining administrative privileges, giving them access to companies’ Active Directory domain controllers (DCs). Called “Zerologon”, the Continue Reading

$5.4 million hack revealed by Slovak cryptocurrency exchange ETERBASE

This week, Bratislava-based cryptocurrency exchange, ETERBASE, revealed a security breach that suggested hackers breached its internal network and stole cryptocurrency funds worth $5.4 million. Disclosed on Thursday, the incident involved the stealing of several cryptocurrencies from the company’s six hot wallets storing Bitcoin, Ether, ALGO, Ripple, Tezos, and TRON assets. Continue Reading