The European Union has revealed their new rules to control the big shots of tech such as Google, Facebook, Apple, and Amazon. According to the chief of Apple, Tim Cook, these newly drafted rules have a high chance of risking iPhone security. Cook spoke at the VivaTech startup conventions where he revealed that these rules are going to control the apps that can be installed in iPhones and tablets.

Cook mentioned that the rules would be imposing some side loadings to ensure that way of getting the apps on the iPhone. This will let the iPhone users get the apps from the publishers which they presently are not able to do.

Apple has restrictions on buying apps from Apple’s App Store which gives the commission of 30%. The EU has also made changes with the charges against Apple for the App Store which the company used to remove their rivals.

Cook is concerned and warned that these rules might harm the security of the iPhone which brings privacy concerns and that was created for the App Store in the first place. Cook believes that the EU rules are not in the best favor for the users.

He added that this issue worries him for privacy and security reasons. Moreover, he said that Apple is going to be participating in a debate and hopes that it will take them forward. He wants the laws for the draft to run it through a ratification process with 27 states of the EU.

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