Recently fake Steam skin giveaway website is created that offer giveaways and news skins on daily basis, however in actual fact it just steals your login details.
Firstly, this scam website was uncovered by nullcookies, a well-known researcher. On twitter he shared a warning regarding fake skins scam.
Such scamming sites are usually encouraged directly on Steam, After nullcookies told us that they performed a research and concluded that this phishing is being encouraged by comments done by Steam profiles. It says “Dear winner! SteamID is chosen as a winner of daily/weekly/monthly giveaway. Get your Karambit | Doppler on giveavvay.com”.
If you visit the given website, a pretend ‘$30,000 giveaway’ will be shown and promotion includes 26 days of free of cost skin giveaways for different platforms including Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CSGO). This scam webpage also includes a fake chat screen on the webpage typically at the left-hand side of the webpage.
Lastly, to get protected from such websites, all Steam users must login to Steam from just “steampowered.com”. If any other website is used that request to login via Steam, then make sure to perform detail research before entering the website or providing the login details.